just to share some experience
The other day we took our dog to the vet. This vet is a specialist and was referred to us as the best, and he seems to be. Prior we had seen two other vets who had both concurred the same diagnoses, GME. This vet did his exam and did not see the same things the prior vets had seen. The first two vets claimed the dog was almost blind. But this vet said his eyesight was good.
I'm telling this story because i liked what he said.
I am not claiming the other vets were wrong. All I can report is what I am seeing in my exam today. They very well may have seen optic nerve damage. I do not see any optic nerve damage. As I do not see any issue, I cannot treat the dog for something I cannot personally see and diagnose.
I'm relating this story becuase we often see the same situation with out clients. They report that their website is not loading, or a button does not work, or some other issue. Our programmer then tests the site and all is working just fine. We also can only treat what we can see. Many times we will request an error message be sent to us so we can blindly diagnose the issue. This is not to say that the customer is incorrect, it just means that it is working for us, and our testers all over the world. So all we can report is what we see. We truly want to help and make sure your site is running as best it can. But if it works for us and others, there may not be much we can do. The customer usually get quit upset and frustrated. We do more testing. As we cant see the issue, and there is no error message there is nothing to fix.
If its working for one, its is working for all. But we have found situations where it worked for everyone but the owner or a particular customer/user of that website. There are many reasons for this.
1) old browser versions
2) spam, popup and phishing blockers not working correctly
3) virus scanner set to a very sensitive level or reporting false positives
4) the users conputer has a virus
5) the router or modem is blocking the IP of the website. (this one has happened to us here in the office too.)
6) old versions of flash
and the list goes on. Many things can happen to individual computers, but that does not mean that the whole world can't see your site. If its a website issue, of course we will find it and fix it. If its your computer, we will help advise you, but you may just need to have the cable company come out, your network tech, or reboot your computer.
We have testers all over the world and take your website problems seriously. But if its working for all of our testers, located on their own networks and ISP's, and it works, Then the problem is most likely yours or your customers/users computer.